Specifications – Carbon Monoxide
- Sensitivity: nA/ppm in 400ppm CO 50 to 100
- Response time: tgo (s) from zero to 400ppm CO < 35
- Zero current: ppm equivalent in zero air -3 to +3.5
- Resolution: rms noise (ppm equivalent) < 0.5
- Range: ppm CO limit of performance warranty 1,000
- Linearity: ppm error at full scale, linear at zero and 400 ppm CO 10 to 40
- Overgas limit: maximum CO for stable response to gas pulse 5,000
- Zero drift: ppm equivalent change/year in lab air < 0.5
- Sensitivity drift: % change/year in lab air, monthly test < 4
- Operating life: months until 80% original signal (24 month warranted) 24
- Sensitivity@ -20°C % (output@ -20°C/output@ 20°C) @ 1 00ppm CO 30 to 50
- Sensitivity@ 50°C % (output@ 50°C/output@ 20°c)@ 100ppm CO 120 to 145
- Zero@ -20°C ppm equivalent change from 20°c 0 to 5
- Zero@ 50°C ppm equivalent change from 20°c 30 to 50 120 to 145 0 to -5
- Temperature range °C: -30 to 50
- Pressure range kPa: 80 to 120
- Humidity range %RH continuous 15 to 90
- Storage period months: @ 3 to 20°c (stored in sealed pot) 6
- Load resistor: olms (recommended) 10 to 47
- Weight grams: < 6
- Datasheet Kilk Disini